Refugee Resettlement: RESET Program

The URC developed the Refugee RESET Committee to reestablish refugee resettlement in South Bend, St. Joseph County, and nearby communities. The URC became a part of the Church World Service’s network of nearly 50 sites in 24 US states.

URC launched its programming in late 2021, to help ove4 35 Afghan clients who had to flee the country following the government’s collapse. After the war in Ukraine started, URC has assisted over 150 Ukrainians to settle in the area.

In January, 2024, the URC began work in the State Department’s Reception and Placement (R&P) Program. URC helped 83 refugees to resettle in the last fiscal year, and was committed to resettling 100 in FY 2025.

As of January 20, 2025, the URC resettled 41 clients. The recent change in US Administration has caused a pause in resettlement. URC is working to learn more about the pause, its length and effects on clients that the organization was ready to serve.

To find out more, or to help, see our Volunteer page, or contact the Executive Director (, or 574-282-2397 x 3)